Frequently Asked Questions About Volunteering

How do I become a volunteer for the DLSC?
If interested in becoming a volunteer with the DLSC, whether auxiliary or member, a citizen can come by the DLSC business located at 630 Randolph St. Danville VA and obtain further information and an application. Upon successfully completing and returning an application with the required fingerprint card attached, the applicant is processed and considered for membership. If you are not a NREMT, DLSC offers a Rescue Academy so that graduates have all needed certifications.
How many hours per month are required to volunteer?
Members are required to serve four 8-hour duties per calendar month. In addition to their duties, members are required to attend two meetings per month. One is the General Membership Business Meeting and the other is the Monthly Training Meeting.
There is additional training that requires re-certification periodically. On average, members can expect to volunteer at least 30 hours per month. There is always opportunity to volunteer more hours if the member has the available time.