DLSC Hosts 19th Annual Golf Classic

On Thursday, August 9, 2018, Danville Life Saving Crew (DLSC) hosted its 19th Annual Golf Classic at the Danville Golf Club. This event is the Crew's largest fundraiser of the year.
After a light lunch, 27 teams played 18 holes of golf during five hours of steady competition. At the dinner reception, the winners were announced, a 50/50 raffle was conducted, a Citizen and Reactor watch were auctioned off and door prizes were given away. Though all teams had impressive scores, the first place net score winner was Chandler Concrete and the first place gross score winner was Harris, Harvey, Neal and Co.

"We truly appreciate the team sponsors, hole sponsors and businesses who donated prizes for our golfers," Robbie Woodall, DLSC chief, said. "This event would not be possible without the generous support of local businesses and community members."
The funds from the 19th Annual Golf Classic will go toward DLSC's 2018-2019 fiscal year budget. These funds allow Crew members to continue to provide pre-hospital emergency care to the sick and injured in the Danville area.
"We are grateful for all donations the Crew receives," Woodall said. "We've been able to function for the last 73 years because of generous donors in our community."