DLSC encourages winter weather preparedness
As temperatures begin to cool, it is important to prepare for winter weather. Danville Life Saving Crew members encourage everyone to prepare for winter early to prevent cold weather illnesses. Frostbite and hypothermia can occur when people are exposed to cold temperatures for an extended amount of time. It is important to be dressed appropriately for cold weather and to be prepared for emergencies where you may be stuck in frigid temperatures.

Below are winter weather preparedness tips compiled from www.ready.gov/winter:
Create a Home Emergency Kit:
Include enough supplies for three days of self-sufficiency
Food & Water: include water (one gallon, per person, per day) and non perishable foods that do not necessarily need to be warmed, like crackers, cereal, peanut butter and canned goods
Supplies: include flashlights and extra batteries or candles for light if power fails, blankets for warmth, whistle to signal for help, cell phone chargers
Hygiene: Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for sanitation
Create a Car Emergency Kit
Supplies: include items like jumper cables, flashlights, phone charger, ice scraper, extra blankets for warmth and cat litter for traction
Food & Water: include non-perishable food items and water
Fire & Heater Safety:
Keep at least three feet of clear space around fireplaces and heaters to prevent a fire
Keep a fire extinguisher in your home and make sure everyone knows how to use it
Use electric heaters with automatic shut-off when tipped over
Change Batteries
Change batteries in smoke detectors and carbon-monoxide detectors
If your detectors are out dated, purchase new ones to ensure immediate detection of fire or carbon-monoxide concentration
Insulate Doors & Windows
Place weather stripping around doors and window sills to help keep heat in
If you do not have storm windows, cover windows with plastic from the inside to keep cold air outside