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DLSC Encourages Trick-or-Treat Safety

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Hundreds of children will take to the streets on Tuesday, October 31 to trick-or-treat this Halloween. As children and parents decide on the the final touches for Halloween costumes, Danville Life Saving Crew encourages everyone to consider the following safety tips:

1. Add reflective tape or stickers to children's costumes so that drivers will be able to see children better when vehicle headlights reflect the shimmering tape.

2. Children should also carry glow sticks or flashlights so that they can better see their path and drivers can see them better.

3. Children under 12 should be supervised by an adult. Older children should trick-or-treat in groups and only visit areas that they are familiar with.

4. Everyone should be especially alert for children between 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Drive slowly in residential areas and be cautious making turns.

The Danville Life saving Crew will have volunteers on duty to run emergency calls, but encourages everyone to follow these tips so that all children will have a safe and fun Halloween. For more safety tips, visit

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