DLSC encourages 12 Days of Christmas Safety
During the days leading up to Christmas, the Danville Life Saving Crew has used the lyrics to a popular tune by encouraging 12 days of...

Christmas Decorating Safety Tips
As you begin to put up your Christmas tree and decorate for the holidays, please keep these safety tips in mind. Danville Life Saving...

Prevent Hypothermia with these Easy Steps
Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it is produced. This causes a dangerously low body temperature. Hypothermia...

DLSC encourages winter weather preparedness
As temperatures begin to cool, it is important to prepare for winter weather. Danville Life Saving Crew members encourage everyone to...

DLSC Encourages Trick-or-Treat Safety
Hundreds of children will take to the streets on Tuesday, October 31 to trick-or-treat this Halloween. As children and parents decide on...

Crew Members Encourage Heat Safety
Summer temperatures are already soaring high into the 90's and show no sign of cooling off. During the summertime, the Danville Life...